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  • 当前版本:2013 sp1
  • 开 发 商:InterSoft
  • 产品功能:用户界面
  • 可用平台:Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/2012

WebDesktop.NET是基于新一代AJAX技术的WebUI控件产品。专业的结构设计可以帮助您创建精美的,如桌面应用程序风格的WEB用户界面。开发人员通过使用一整套创新控件产品以及最新的WEB开发理念,完全可以开发出拥有桌面风格的企业级WEB应用程序。WebDesktop.NET, 最终用户可以体验当今最流行的桌面应用程序风格样式,通过鼠标和键盘,您就可以实现更多的拖拽功能。当WebDesktopWindow被拖拽到浏览器客户端区域外部时,自动更新鼠标状态.


  • 在WebExplorerPane中添加了SetContentURL方法
  • 在WebToolBar中添加了RecreateChildControl方法.这个方法用于改造放置在自定义类型ToolCommand模板中的控件,所以可以获得这个控件的值
  • 修正了WebToolBar在继承一个自定义控件时所出现的JavaScript错误
  • 修正了当WebGrid放置在WebPaneManager中时,它的PrepareDataBinding服务器端事件将不被调用两次
  • 如果包含"&"符号的参数通过了,可使用WebFlyPostBackManager*调用服务器端事件
  • 当已经在ToggleButton类型ToolCommand下按下了空格键,WebToolBar的OnClick事件将被调用
  • WebButton现在可执行IButtonControl
  • 修正了在WebFlyPostBackManager中激活XmlCompression所出*现的错误
  • WebMenuBar中的子菜单现在可以在多重监视环境浏览器中正确显示
  • 现在在Master Page中,可以通过’~’键指定一个图像到WebButton中
  • 已支持在一个综合模式面板中展开一个窗口
  • 同时应用WebToolBar和WebFlyPostBackManager时,e.ClickedCommand将不会返回为空
  • 当WebGrid与WebDragDropExtender控件整合时,其中拖放控件的AdvancedProperties属性将正确展示类型属性


DesktopManager enables you to create high performance and powerful Desktop with built-in windowing navigation system and shortcut icons, extensive keyboard navigation support, customizable taskbar configurations, high performance window switching and resizing, configurable window state, ClickAndEdit™ designer experience and combinable 50+ advanced configurations.

WebToolBar introduces several new breakthrough technologies such as TrueShape™ and TrueDock™. WebToolBar is capable to behave in exactly the same manner as in desktop's ToolBar, such as multiple rows docking on four edges, it can also hide more items when the width has exceeded boundaries and customizes the dialog box for an extremely rich level of user personalization.

WebTab incorporates ClickAndEdit™ architecture enabling you to click on a TabItem and edit the content immediately inside Visual Studio designer environment. You no longer need to create separate views or multiple views or other traditional approaches which limit your productivity! WebTab is the first product with TrueShape™ which enables the round corner to be rendered without images.

WebStyleManager gives freedom to designers from having the needs to work with Visual Studio or development IDE! WebStyleManager enables designers to design the styles and themes of any member of Intersoft WebUI Studio.NET through standalone WinForm application and later seamlessly integrate the themes into the designated web application. WebStyleManager was built on the top of Theme Architecture and Serialization feature offered in WebUI.NET Framework.

WebPaneManager allows you to create any kind of layout from simple horizontal layout to complex Outlook-like layout. WebPaneManager's rock solid object model enables you to create complex layout by using nested WebPane in hierarchical concept. The component comes with an advanced powerful Editor to apply common layout from predefined template with only one mouse click away.

WebDialogBox can create modal or normal dialog box on the top of DesktopManager. Developers can easily specify which buttons to appear and specify the DialogResult as in WinForm applications. The incorporated ClickAndEdit™ feature enables developers to easily design the dialog box at design time, or simply construct the DialogBox at client side programmatically.

WebButton is equipped with the easiness to invoke client side events or predefined client side actions such as closing window or to invoke your own codes in OnClick event. WebButton has consistent dynamic styles which enables style interactivity in entire applications.

WebSplitter is a true splitter component which can be used independently and applied to your existing layout. WebSplitter offers automatic cell splitting scenario supporting rowspan and colspan, as well as intelligent resizing mechanism enabling accurate unit measurement which returns to the original unit type. WebSplitter can be automatically integrated in WebPaneManager component for resizing functionality.

WebNavPane allows you to create an advanced navigation user interface with the richness of desktop's navigation in every detail of styles and behaviors. WebNavPane can be configured to use one of three ContentMode (InlineContent, UseItems, or IFrame) for each Bar’s content. You do not need to worry on the extensibility side of your application since WebNavPane will automatically manage the available bars and collapse them in the Footer section as users drag the ResizerGrip to the bottom way.

WebMenu is the core runtime system that builds up WebMenuBar and WebContextMenu control. Featured with ClickAndBuild™ Visual Editor, you can easily build any complex menu with rich WYSIWYG experience. The hybrid menu system enables tight integration with various WebDesktop.NET’s members that require menu functions. WebMenu does not only simulate the latest visual styles which are configurable through property settings, but it also imitates every single details of a Desktop’s Menu, from every keystroke, mouse events to advanced behaviors. Few of the features from WebMenu are listed below.

The unique generic callback component introduces pure callback functionalities, instead of only acting as a wrapper or as medium to render server control to client. Built on the top of Intersoft's renowned OnTheFly-Postback architecture, FlyPostBackManager enables you to call the server-side method residing in a WebForm class or a WebService (ASMX) from client side without sacrificing your security. FlyPostBackManager is able to receive and parse any complex type of object returned from the server side, whether it is a DataSet object or your own serializable custom object.

WebExplorerPane is the exact replica of Windows XP Explorer Pane enabling you to offer smooth user experience for navigation or commands functions. The WebExplorerPane has exactly the same behavior as the desktop version, including its animation style, animation speed with fading effects, gradient colors, and images customization. WebExplorerPane also employs TrueShape for round corner "look and feel" without using images, ClickAndSelect and ClickAndEdit as in other members of WebDesktop.NET family.

The first kind of its type, WebNotification is built on the top of FlyPostBackManager and closely integrated with WebDesktopManager to enable you to develop a shell-level notification system right into your web applications. WebNotification allows specific server code to be invoked asynchronously at specified interval and upon success condition, it will display the assigned data and actions available in the context. With WebNotification, you could develop extremely rich and responsive applications similar to Outlook 2003 or MSN Messenger, and the possibility to develop new kind of applications.

Global Features
In WebDesktop.NET 2.0, there are some features that applied globally throughout the entire WebDesktop family such as SmartWebResources technology for easy deployment process, Office 2007® Style, master page support, and the new component designer 2.0.






Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Server family
Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition
Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 or higher
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional/ Team Studio/ Express Edition
Intersoft WebUI.NET Framework v3.0 or higher

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
Windows Server 2003 Web Edition
Internet Information Services 6.0 or later
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 or later
Intersoft WebUI.NET Framework v3.0 or higher

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
Mozilla V1.7 +for Windows/Mac/Linux/Solaris
Firefox V1.0+ for Windows/Mac/Linux/Solaris
Netscape V7.0+ for Windows/Mac/Linux/Solaris


WebDesktop.NET通过XmlCompressionCssOptimizer技术来提高程序性能。其他8种最新技术(TrueShape, ClickAndEdit, ClickAndSelect, TrueFill, TrueDock, HighClarityDesktop,InteractiveDesigner and GenericPersistence)将开发人员带到WEB应用程序开发的一个新境界。


  • WebDesktopManager
  • WebToolBar
  • WebPaneManager
  • WebTab
  • WebStyleManager
  • WebMenu
  • WebSplitter
  • WebDialogBox
  • WebNavPane
  • WebButton
  • WebFlyPostBack
  • WebNotification
  • WebExplorerPane

WebDesktop.NET 2.5 / 2007 R2 SP1 版本更新信息



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