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作者:佚名 出处:互联网 2010年03月29日 阅读:


.NET languages
  Listing 1. Under-Engineering:

  Inexperienced programmers may not put enough thought into the code's intended use and exception handling.

  // C# implementation

  private bool FileExists()


  if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"C:\MyFile.txt"))

  return true;


  return false;


  ' VB.NET implementation

  Private Function FileExists() As Boolean

  If System.IO.File.Exists("C:\MyFile.txt" Then

  Return True


  Return False

  End If

  End Function

  .NET languages

  Listing 2. Over-Engineering:

  While this method may handle every conceivable error, it's overkill for the business problem at hand.

  // C# implementation

  private bool FileExists(string fileName)




  "The 'fileName' parameter must be passed " +

  "into the FileExists method");

  try {

  return (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName));


  catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException ex) {

  throw new Exception("The directory from the file name: " +

  fileName + " does not exist.", ex);


  catch (System.IO.DriveNotFoundException ex) {

  throw new Exception("The drive from the file name: " +

  fileName + " does not exist.", ex);


  catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException ex) {

  throw new Exception("The path from the file name: " +

  fileName + " is too long.", ex);


  catch (Exception ex) {

  throw new Exception("The file: " + fileName +

  " was checked to see it is exists, but some unknown " +

  "problem occurred when calling the File.Exists method", ex);



  ' VB.NET implementation

  Private Function FileExists(ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean

  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert( _

  String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName), _

  "The fileName parameter must be passed into " & _

  "the DoesFileExist method")


  Return (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))

  Catch ex As System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException

  Throw New Exception("The directory from the file name: " + _

  fileName + " does not exist.", ex)

  Catch ex As System.IO.DriveNotFoundException

  Throw New Exception("The drive from the file name: " + _

  fileName + " does not exist.", ex)

  Catch ex As System.IO.PathTooLongException

  Throw New Exception("The path from the file name: " + _

  fileName + " is too long.", ex)

  Catch ex As Exception

  Throw New Exception("The file: " + fileName + _

  " was checked to see it is exists, but some unknown " & _

  "problem occurred when calling the File.Exists method", ex)

  End Try

  End Function
  是的,在Listing 2中的代码是非常好的,而且通过尝试检查文件是否存在而解决了所有可能发生的问题,但是这个代码就是要解决业务问题的代码吗?是有可能的,这个代码只用简单的一个单一的catch块,其中包括文件名和从.NET返回的错误信息,这已经足够了。有些人花费大量时间来创建这个过度设计的方法并且还要测试它。有那些时间可以更好的用在解决业务问题的上面。


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