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RadarCube ASP.NETV2.36发布

作者:Ken 出处:本站原创 2010年03月25日 阅读:

磐岩科技控件中国网合作伙伴RadarSoft公司近日发布了RadarCube V2.36,RadarCube V2.36新版本的产品作出了以下调整:

New features:

New properties TCubeMeasure.VisibleInTree and TMeasure.VisibleInTree define the visibility of the measure in Cube Structure Tree;
MSAS: The editor of calculated fields and measures is improved. Now there is the list of the cube objects and the list of the functions available.

Bugs fixed:

MSAS: The changes made to the calculated members/measures might not be reflected in the grid at once;
DIRECT: The changes made in the Cube Editor might not be saved in the aspx-file;
DIRECT: The attribute editor in the Cube Editor might not be working correctly on changing the list of the basic attribute hierarchies;
The AllowEditing property may not be working, so the grid may not display the writeback context menu item;
RIA: Sometimes the grid cannot change the width after a drilling operation.


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