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作者:DevComponents 出处:DevComponents 2010年07月22日 阅读:

DotNetBar 屏幕截图

Ribbon Control with Office 2007 style in black color scheme.

Ribbon Control with Office 2007 style in blue color scheme.

Ribbon Control with Office 2007 style and custom generated color scheme based on single color.

Ribbon with Office 2007 style KeyTips.

ButtonX control with various styles, drop down menus and mini-markup.

Office 12 SuperTooltip control.

BubbleBar toolbar control included with DotNetBar 5.x.

DotNetBar Suite with VS.NET 2005 like color scheme.

DotNetBar Suite with Office 2003 like color scheme and new task pane style.

DotNetBar Suite 3.0 new Office 2003 like Style in Notepad sample application.

DotNetBar Notepad sample application.

Outlook 2003 style Navigation Pane control.

Flat style Side-bar control with 18 predefined color schemes.

Fully featured container Tab Control with 4 different styles in 4.0 release.

PanelEx control sample project. All UI elements on this picture are done with PanelEx control.

Outlook style Side-bar control included with DotNetBar.

Dockable Windows sample application.

Explorer sample.

ExpandableSplitter control to help you manage screen real-estate.

Toolbars sample.

Menus sample.

Context menus sample.


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