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控件中国网:FastReport .Net 1.5全面上市

作者:控件中国网 出处:控件中国网 2010年10月26日 阅读:

控件中国网:FastReport .Net 1.5全面上市

FastReport .Net 1.5全新功能

添加 import from RDL format (Report Definition Language)
添加 XPS export
添加 Word 2007 (docx) export
添加 DataBand.ResetPageNumber property
添加 properties PDFExport.JpegQuality and PDFExport.RichTextQuality (default value is 90 in both)
添加 Slovak localization
添加support for custom functions in the matrix totals
添加 calculation of percents in the Matrix object
添加 TotalsFirst option for the matrix totals
添加 property HTMLExport.Layers and a checkbox in the dialog of the HTML export (enable layers in HTML file)
添加 Config.ReportSettings.ReportPrinted event
添加 DataLoaded event to all dialog controls that support data filtering
添加inline printing from browser in WebReport
添加 property WebReport.PrintInPdf (enable for PDF printing or disable for browser printing)
添加 properties WebReport.PrintWindowWidth, WebReport.PrintWindowHeight
添加 properties WebReport.ShowWord2007Export, WebReport.DocxMatrixBased
* DbfExport properties FieldNamesFileName, LoadFieldNamesFromFile replaced with FieldNames property
* improved TextObject.Duplicates

修补 text object's html tags + "underline" font style
修补 "keep with data" + multicolumn databand
修补 bug with paper size
修补 bug when rendering several side-by-side Table objects
修补 bug with report outline
修补 bug in RTF export with similar pictures
修补 bug with CheckedListBoxControl + cascaded filter
修补 bug with subreport and multi-column band
修补 bug with FirstTabOffset
修补 bug with static query parameters and master-detail report
修补 bug in the PowerPoint export
修补 bug with Matrix and EvenStyle



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