很多.NET程序员对ASP.NET MVC3 Beta还是挺感兴趣的,本文介绍的是通过MVC 3更简单的实现依赖注入。
AD: Xtreme Toolkit Pro - 界面套包 —正版、购买、下载、价格、销售、代理、授权、技术支持尽在控件中国网
昨天,写了一篇文章(参见:ASP.NET MVC 依赖注入),这种实现方式个人一直感觉不太顺,在写出来与大家一起分享的同时,
也是想让大家提提自己的建议, 今天下载了微软发布的最新的ASP.NET MVC3 Beta版,同时也仔细阅读了它的 Release Notes,
让感觉到惊喜的是,MVC3增加了对依赖注入的支持,增加了一个 IDependencyResolver 接口定义,真的是很不错,比起原来的实现要顺畅很多,
1、实现 MVC3 Beta 中提供的依赖注入接口 IDependencyResolver ,MyDependencyResolver.cs 的代码:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; namespace Demo { public class MyDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver { #region IDependencyResolver 成员 /// summary /// 依赖注入容器 /// /summary private UnityContainer _unityContainer; /// summary /// 构造 /// /summary /// param name= aUnityContainer 依赖注入容器 /param public MyDependencyResolver( UnityContainer aUnityContainer ) { _unityContainer = aUnityContainer; } public object GetService( Type aServiceType ) { try { return _unityContainer.Resolve( aServiceType ); } catch { /// 按微软的要求,此方法,在没有解析到任何对象的情况下,必须返回 null,必须这么做!!!! return null; } } public IEnumerable object GetServices( Type aServiceType ) { try { return _unityContainer.ResolveAll( aServiceType ); } catch { /// 按微软的要求,此方法,在没有解析到任何对象的情况下,必须返回空集合,必须这么做!!!! return new List object ( ); } } #endregion } }
2、在 Global.asax.cs 中设置依赖注入解析器 DependencyResolver (这是一个全局静态类,也是 MVC3 Beta 新增的):
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Routing; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; namespace Demo { // Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode, // visit http://go.microsoft.com/?LinkId=9394801 public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication { public static void RegisterGlobalFilters( GlobalFilterCollection filters ) { filters.Add( new HandleErrorAttribute( ) ); } public static void RegisterRoutes( RouteCollection routes ) { routes.IgnoreRoute( {resource}.axd/{*pathInfo} ); routes.MapRoute( Default , // Route name {controller}/{action}/{id} , // URL with parameters new { controller = Home , action = Index , id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); } protected void Application_Start( ) { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas( ); RegisterGlobalFilters( GlobalFilters.Filters ); RegisterRoutes( RouteTable.Routes ); //设置依赖注入 RegisterDependency( ); } private static UnityContainer _Container; public static UnityContainer Container { get { if ( _Container == null ) { _Container = new UnityContainer( ); } return _Container; } } protected void RegisterDependency( ) { Container.RegisterType ITest, Test ( ); DependencyResolver.SetResolver( new MyDependencyResolver( Container ) ); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; namespace Demo.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { [Dependency] public ITest Test { get; set; } public ActionResult Index( ) { ViewModel.Message = Test.GetString( ); return View( ); } public ActionResult About( ) { return View( ); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Demo { public interface ITest { string GetString( ); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace Demo { public class Test:ITest { #region ITest 成员 public string GetString( ) { return Run demo! ; } #endregion } }
***** 注意,这篇文章只适用于 ASP.NET MVC3 Beta 版,将来正式版出来了,未必采用这种方式来实现,毕竟对于依赖注入这块,
从 MVC1 - MVC3 Preview1 - MVC3 Beta 一直都在变化,微软牛人(Brad Wilson)在自己的中也多次提到:
This blog post talks about ASP.NET MVC 3 Beta, which is a pre-release version. Specific technical details may change before the final release of MVC 3.
This release is designed to elicit feedback on features with enough time to make meaningful changes before MVC 3 ships,
so please comment on this blog post or contact me if you have comments.
原文标题:ASP.NET MVC3 让依赖注入来的更简单(新补充了Ninject示例)
Xtreme Toolkit Pro - 界面套包 —正版、购买、下载、价格、销售、代理、授权、技术支持尽在控件中国网