FusionCharts Suite XT是一款完全使用JavaScript来创建各种图表、仪表、地图、实时图表的综合性控件,里面包含了众多的图表类型和各种图表功能,这篇文章主要介绍如何实现在一个图表绘制区域内,通过点击图表的缩略图来实现不同种类的图表切换,如下图,当点击左边的缩略图时,右边会显示不同类型的图表,实现该功能的完整代码可以参考下面,开发人员可以在
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.fusioncharts.com/code/latest/fusioncharts.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.fusioncharts.com/code/latest/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fint.js?cacheBust=56"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var fusioncharts = new FusionCharts({
type: 'column2d',
renderAt: 'chart-container',
width: '400',
height: '300',
dataFormat: 'json',
dataSource: {
"chart": {
"caption": "Harry's SuperMart",
"subCaption": "Monthly revenue for last year",
"xAxisName": "Month",
"yAxisName": "Amount",
"numberPrefix": "$",
"theme": "fint",
"rotateValues": "1",
"exportEnabled": "1"
"data": [{
"label": "Jan",
"value": "420000"
}, {
"label": "Feb",
"value": "810000"
}, {
"label": "Mar",
"value": "720000"
}, {
"label": "Apr",
"value": "550000"
}, {
"label": "May",
"value": "910000",
"anchorRadius": "10",
"anchorBorderColor": "0372AB",
"anchorBgColor": "E1f5ff"
}, {
"label": "Jun",
"value": "510000"
}, {
"label": "Jul",
"value": "680000"
}, {
"label": "Aug",
"value": "620000"
}, {
"label": "Sep",
"value": "610000"
}, {
"label": "Oct",
"value": "490000"
}, {
"label": "Nov",
"value": "900000"
}, {
"label": "Dec",
"value": "730000"
events: {
'beforeRender': function(evt, args) {
// Create div for thumbnails
var thumbnails = document.createElement('div');
thumbnails.innerHTML = '<div id="thumbnail-column"></div><div id="thumbnail-pie"></div><div id="thumbnail-bar"></div></div>';
thumbnails.style.cssText = 'display:inline-block; float:left;';
// Append thumbnails div before chart-container
args.container.parentNode.insertBefore(thumbnails, args.container);
// Append line-breaker div after chart-container
var divBreak = document.createElement('div');
divBreak.style.cssText = 'clear: both;';
args.container.parentNode.insertBefore(divBreak, args.container.nextSibling);
// Set CSS style for chart-container
args.container.style.cssText = 'padding:5px; font-size:11px; display:inline-block; float:left; clear:right;';
'renderComplete': function(evt, args) {
var createThumbNail = function(chartId, width, height, divId) {
// we clone the chart first and then set new width and height
var chartRef = FusionCharts(chartId),
clonedChart = chartRef.clone({
"width": width,
"height": height,
"events": {}
// turn off properties which are not required
"showValues": "0",
"showLabels": "0",
"animation": "1",
"exportEnabled": "0",
"showTooltip": "0",
"showHoverEffect": "1",
"showYAxisValues": "0",
"caption": "",
"subCaption": "",
"xAxisName": "",
"yAxisName": "",
"showXAxisLine": "0",
"showYAxisLine": "0",
"numDivLines": "0",
"enableSlicing": "0",
"enableRotation": "0"
// listend for the chartClick event to render the detailed chart
clonedChart.addEventListener('chartClick', function() {
if (chartId != evt.sender.id) {
// rendering the new chart
// create the thumbnail
// Create instance of all charts (including current one)
var revenueChartColumn = evt.sender.clone({
id: 'revenue-chart-column',
events: {}
var revenueChartPie = evt.sender.clone({
type: 'pie2d',
id: 'revenue-chart-pie',
events: {}
var revenueChartBar = evt.sender.clone({
type: 'bar2d',
id: 'revenue-chart-bar',
events: {}
// create thumbnails for all the three charts
createThumbNail('revenue-chart-column', 100, 100, 'thumbnail-column');
createThumbNail('revenue-chart-pie', 100, 100, 'thumbnail-pie');
createThumbNail('revenue-chart-bar', 100, 100, 'thumbnail-bar');